Grade Listings & Placement

Stamford follows an August 31st birth date cut off for the academic year. Please see the table below as a guide to match your child’s date of birth with the appropriate grade.

Please note: We consider your child’s last completed grade and overall development for final grade placement. For high school admissions, completed course credits will also impact final grade placement.

Currently, Stamford is accepting applications for August 2024/25 and August 2025/26. After submitting your application, our admissions experts will contact you after reviewing the applications.

We also welcome applications for future years of entry and consider applications in priority of application date. Applicants for future entry years will be acknowledged and then contacted in September of the applying year for further steps.

Grade Placement 2024-2025

Elementary Pre-Primary Age 5-6 Sept 1, 2018 – Aug 31, 2019
Elementary Grade 1 Age 6-7 Sept 1, 2017 – Aug 31, 2018
Elementary Grade 2 Age 7-8 Sept 1, 2016 – Aug 31, 2017
Elementary Grade 3 Age 8-9 Sept 1, 2015 – Aug 31, 2016
Elementary Grade 4 Age 9-10 Sept 1, 2014 – Aug 31, 2015
Elementary Grade 5 Age 10-11 Sept 1, 2013 – Aug 31, 2014
Secondary (Middle School) Grade 6 Age 11-12 Sept 1, 2012 – Aug 31, 2013
Secondary (Middle School) Grade 7  Age 12-13 Sept 1, 2011 – Aug 31, 2012
Secondary (Middle School) Grade 8 Age 13-14 Sept 1, 2010 – Aug 31, 2011
Secondary (High  School) Grade 9 Age 14-15 Sept 1, 2009 – Aug 31, 2010
Secondary (High School) Grade 10  Age 15-16 Sept 1, 2008 – Aug 31, 2009
Secondary (High School) Grade 11  Age 16-17 Sept 1, 2007 – Aug 31, 2008
Secondary (High School) Grade 12  Age 17-18 Sept 1, 2006 – Aug 31, 2007


Grade Placement 2025-2026

Elementary Pre-Primary Age 5-6 Sept 1, 2019 – Aug 31, 2020
Elementary Grade 1 Age 6-7 Sept 1, 2018 – Aug 31, 2019
Elementary Grade 2 Age 7-8 Sept 1, 2017 – Aug 31, 2018
Elementary Grade 3 Age 8-9 Sept 1, 2016 – Aug 31, 2017
Elementary Grade 4 Age 9-10 Sept 1, 2015 – Aug 31, 2016
Elementary Grade 5 Age 10-11 Sept 1, 2014 – Aug 31, 2015
Secondary (Middle School) Grade 6 Age 11-12 Sept 1, 2013 – Aug 31, 2014
Secondary (Middle School) Grade 7  Age 12-13 Sept 1, 2012 – Aug 31, 2013
Secondary (Middle School) Grade 8 Age 13-14 Sept 1, 2011 – Aug 31, 2012
Secondary (High  School) Grade 9 Age 14-15 Sept 1, 2010 – Aug 31, 2011
Secondary (High School) Grade 10  Age 15-16 Sept 1, 2009 – Aug 31, 2010
Secondary (High School) Grade 11  Age 16-17 Sept 1, 2008 – Aug 31, 2009
Secondary (High School) Grade 12  Age 17-18 Sept 1, 2007 – Aug 31, 2008


EE student

Admissions Deferral

Once a student is confirmed and admitted to Stamford American School Hong Kong for an academic year, deferrals to a subsequent semester or academic year are not permitted; families wishing to defer must reapply and receive a new offer for the following academic year, and all previously paid fees will be forfeited, except for debenture holders, who will be treated as withdrawals and receive refunds in accordance with their signed agreements.

Online Application

  Fill in the online application form.

  Upload all the supporting documents

  Ensure you tick the box for ‘Parent Statement’ and click ‘Submit Form’.


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